Monday, September 23, 2013

Trout Creek hike 9-23-13

Wayne led us up/down, up/down, up/down, up to a nice lunch spot 2.5 miles on the trail, some folks went on another 1.5 miles to the actual Trout Cr. just to see it.  More energetic than the rest of us I suppose.....
After lunch Wayne took us down/up, down/up, down/up, down to the vehicles; the reason for all the ups/downs is due to crossing 3 drainages on this trail.  A good trail for getting one's legs in shape without tiring out.....
Doug is planning on taking the Tuesday group on a hike from Lobo Overlook on the CDT to the NW as far as weather and other conditions (snow?) allow.  Sounds like a great hike.......
I will lead the Thursday group up the West Bear Cr. trail ( one we haven't hiked for several years) for 2 to 3 miles and then we will look for a saddle or low spot to the East so we can climb over and then down to the East Bear Cr. trail and back down to the vehicles. 
All hikes meet at the VC at 9 AM, please bring a snack, plenty of water, raingear, sturdy boots and a friend or two......

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