Monday, September 9, 2013

Middle Alder Hike 9-9-13

Wayne led 15 of us up the Middle Alder Cr. trail; a couple went about 2 miles, 8 went 2.5 miles and 5 went 3.2 miles to an old cabin for lunch.  The 2.5 mile mark was the designated lunch stop.....before the creek became the only trail to use.  The creek was the only trail for about a quarter of a mile.  When we reached the cabin we had crossed the same creek 13 times!
A great thing about our hike leaders are their flexibility in letting the hikers choose how far/hard they want to push themselves; the leaders don't try to make a hiker overextend themselves.  So if you want to go 1mile or 3 miles or 6 miles you may do so with grace. Come out and join us whenever you can.
Wayne is leading the Tuesday hike for Doug and I will be leading the group Thursday up the West Bear Cr. trail, one that we haven't been on for a couple of years.  This will be an "up & back" hike, returning on the same trail unless the group would like to hike over the ridge to the East Bear Cr. trail and make a loop down it.............
All hikes meet at the VC at 9Am, bring a lunch, water, raingear and a friend.

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