Monday, June 11, 2012

Lake Fork Trail

Today our hiking group did trail maintenance on our adopted trail. We met several hikers that were very appreciative of our efforts. Most of us started at the top of the trail and walked the 5 miles down to the trailhead at US 160.

IMG_4111The group that started near Hunter’s Lake.

IMG_4112Oops! I guess Joyce was just joking about hiking. She and Joe took us up to the top and drove the trucks back so when we finished all vehicles were waiting for us at US 160. Thanks!!

IMG_4131Bonnie clearing branches from the trail.

IMG_4132Jim moved larger trees.

IMG_4162I I took lots of photos! (Barbara Thiesfeld)

IMG_4182At lunch I saw this Lady Bug so had to get a photo of it as well.

IMG_4183Welcome back Sherry. Jenna was a good hiker! (Grandchild of Dennis & Mary Shepherd)

IMG_4185Dennis taking a lunch break.

IMG_4188Marilyn and Bonnie resting and having a snack.

IMG_4200The end of our route. Linda Moulds

IMG_4201The group, 21 folks worked on the trail today. Thanks to everyone for their help in maintaining “our” trail.

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