Monday, March 23, 2015

W. Fork, N.Branch Old Spanish Trail first hike of Spring

Six of us gracefully skimmed over the nearly treeless route of the Old Spanish Trail.  San Juan Mountains to our W/SW; Sangres to our E/NE; Greenie Mtn to the south.  A refreshing breeze kept us cool.  Two pronghorns decorated the hillsides as they exercised their protective duties.  One even showed us the way back to the cars.
We'll try to have an equally delightful hike next week on Monday, 10 a.m..  It's Spring, so we'll take nominations for hike times and destinations.  Just send me a name/place of the hike you'd like and we'll put it on the agenda.
--Doug Knudson
1850s wagon ruts


Wagon ruts from Santa Fe


Up to the San Juans


Ancient, simple plants


Do you like lichens like I like lichens?


Sangre de Cristo back "fence"




It's big country


Hill-top ornaments


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