Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A REALLY Long Hike

Bob Seago's photos from the Fremont trail up (vs. our down) along West Alder Creek.

The attention that Wayne got for his injury is evident in the photos.  I hope that he is OK.
Wayne is fine, back at work in the church redecorating all day today. Before choir practice tonight, he told me that he had picked up a stick and used it as a walking staff.  He fell when the stick broke as he put some weight on it. 
Funny coincidence today at my annual physical check-up.  The doctor said that the blood test showed no problems except a minor one that would be improved if I drank more water each day.  Sounds like familiar advice that we gave to Wayne yesterday.
Thanks, Bob--I hope everyone comes to Creede to appreciate your photos (and buy their favorites) on June 2, 5:30-7:00 p.m.
--Doug Knudson

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