Monday, February 27, 2012

Beaver Mountain

A beautiful snowfall started this Monday. By the time we began hiking, no more snow fell. Soon after the first half-mile, the sun came out.
We found nice one-foot-deep snow on the pretty path just south of town.  We eleven trudged a mile, then followed our nice path back a mile to the parking lot.
NEXT MONDAY, we'll try to find another lovely place and lots of snow to make it worthwhile.  If it's snowing, we'll rejoice in it; (it doesn't hurt as it falls).  MEET by 10 a.m. at the South Fork Visitor Center.
--Doug Knudson   873-5239 for questions
Marty,Linda,Barbara,Lloyd,WayneO,Bonnie,Marilyn,Pat (back from the seaside),Bob. Wayne M and I hid.


Nice view of S. Fork


The cabin of the Pennsylvania Four


Ponderosa/Deer Park looking NW

Lloyd in the landscape; Sentinel Mountain folds are on his left.

Place of the long views and pretty pines


We found we had an aspiring angel with us--Bob found her and took her home with him.


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