16 gentle walkers used a narrow National Recreation Trail along Lake Fork Creek today. Silverthreaders tend this scenic route; today we found only a few small fallen trees to remove on the lower 3 miles. Once again someone suggested that "someone" might widen the trail--always a tough task on the steep side slopes of this beautiful canyon.
We enjoyed a cool, cloudy day, with variations from gentle fine rains and sunny spells. Hillsides of sunny yellow flowers highlighted by late-blooming fireweed and harebells and asters made the trip interesting. Dennis will send you a movie just added to his collection of the creek flowing over rocks. If you can, listen to the sound of the water and wonder at the constant flow, even after a summer of little rain.
Tomorrow--Tuesday--I hope we can hike into the Phoenix Park trail and check out the big waterfall and the little one beyond it.
South Fork hikers meet at the SF Visitor Center for 9 a.m. departure; we will join the Creede hikers on Main Street near the Creede Repertory Theatre at 9:30 a.m. and proceed from there.
The weather forecast this morning was accurate about rain today and it forecast more of the same tomorrow, so bring boots and ponchos for tomorrow--along with a lunch or snack and another good hiker. This is a visual treat type hike, regardless of the weather. We will take a slightly extended route past the first falls on an old road/trail, then return to the base of the big falls.
Note--the proposed trip to Taos and Wheeler Peak had so little response that I told my brother that we'd try again next summer.
Tip for fun: Go to the Creede Repertory Theatre and see "Harry the Great" for a well-acted comedy full of laughs, no bad language, and some tremendous talent. Mr. Nobody is really "Somebody"! He nearly steals the show from the rip-snorting pianist, the huge strong-man, and the other 6 or 7 superb cast members.
Judy and I enjoyed the Sunday matinee along with an enthusiastic sold-out crowd. This is the first presentation of this play anywhere. (As advertised, we live near one of the best theatre companies in the nation--enjoy it!)
At the intermission, go up to the balcony area to see the beautiful nature photography by some of our local visual arts talents. Two treats for the price of one.
--Doug Knudson 873-5239

•Lake Fk Creek
Lake Fork NR Trail
Restart on Lake Fork Trail
•Fireweed by an Engelmann Spruce
Cinematog. Watch Dennis' photos
An aster family member--maybe the Sun-loving Aster
Cliffs of Lake Fork Cr. canyon
Little falls on Lake Fork Cr.
15 of 16 hikers (Connie merits special mention as the shy recluse)
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