Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday on Del Norte Peak Photos

By popular request, we went up Del Norte Peak, stood or sat in the sprinkles on top as we watched 8 elk (1 bull and 7 cows that required an embarrassing explanation).  We picked out the Hutson home and asked Lisa to look for us.  Apparently our camouflage was effective.
This group hiked quickly, so the sprinkle we got on top (no lightning or thunder) was timed nicely. We got down rather rapidly and were home by 2 p.m.  It was nice to have Regina with us again--she's a prepared lowlander.
Thursday hike--Trout Creek Trail--about 4 miles from where we park, then return on same trail.  Meet by 9 a.m. at SF Visitor Center. Although this mountain trail has its ups and downs, it is not difficult.  New folks are welcome.  Bring lunch or a snack, rain gear and maybe something orange on top.
--Doug Knudson    873-5239
Note:  Sorry this didn't go out on Tuesday--a glitch with a new name
Nine hiked to the top


Long view to the East from 12,000'


Alpine sunflower--later blooms than normal


Nature's rock art on top


All smiles on top (5 of 9 who made it)


Timberline trees have a struggle


 Dave (on R.) said downhill is quicker


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