8 tough hikers experienced snow--later water--and sunshine on the Continental Divide Trail. We followed the deep foot prints of several horses from the night before. (Note: if this is to continue as a horse/hiking trail, it needs strong funding and frequent restoration, even though it's in a Wilderness Area).
It's good to see that other hikers are still enjoying this National Scenic Trail. A gal from Norway and a couple from Ashland, Oregon; a 50 mile hiker headed West; and somewhere out there riders of 2-4 horses perhaps waiting for big game to cross their path.
We live in a beautiful place, where nature is the ruler and space seems marvelously ample.
Coming up: Thursday hike 9 a.m. at Visitor Center. Dennis plans to go on a nearby trail/road and expects to make a loop and return towards South Fork down a "brother" route.
Next Monday--same time and place for a 5-mile stroll.
Next Tuesday-- " " " " for a slightly more strenuous hike. Weather may bring us down out of the sky-views.
--Doug Knudson

Hikers on Lobo overlook
N from Lobo--Bark beetles (front), Fire (back)
CDT clings to steep slopes and nature's harvest.
Lunch on a log
Going, going, not all gone! Spruce bark beetles prepared millions of trees for quick burning when lightning struck.
These weren't burned and the young ones may be too vigorous for the beetles.
Muddy trail, horse trench
Stomping through the mud--no one fell!
Broad segment at the top of the Continental Divide
View from the CD Trail ("King of the Trails")
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