Monday, September 2, 2013

Alder Bench hike Monday

A bunch of hikers turned out on Labor Day to labor their way up a long hill and back down to the Alder Creek Guard Station.  Temporary occupants Wayne and Linda Moulds led the hike and served ice cream and cup cakes in the cabin. Thanks for the hospitality!  The hike ended just before dark clouds appeared to surround the cabin, preceding the welcome afternoon rain. 
Tuesday hike will be what was advertised (but not planned) for Monday--a mountain top experience on Del Norte Peak.  This will be a chance for those who haven't made it up there to do it before they go home for the season.   Meet at the Visitor Center before 9 a.m. tomorrow. 
Thursday, a substitute leader plans to lead you to Trout Creek, as Dennis and Pat serve Valley citizens by distributing food commodities, a quarterly 3-day project of the Chapel of the South Fork.
Next week, we'll repeat the cycle. 
Find your orange or lemon green vest/jackets/caps.  Hunting seasons will start soon and we'll plan for hikes in safe places.
--Doug Knudson
Up from Alder Creek


18 on an incline


Pinus flexilis


Guard Station 




Distinctive rock formation on Alder Cr.


Alder Creek and Del Norte Peak




View from Guard Sta porch


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