Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fremont Camp Trail (885)

We went up the Fremont Camp Trail (885) for a little over 2 miles, made sure we were off of the Private property and had lunch. The Forest Service has done a good job of marking the trail as it leaves the Private property, many thanks. This trail is a road for the first 1.8 miles and is steep, not an "easy" hike.
It looks like you are going to be stuck with me for the Thursday hikes (which will be "moderate"), Wayne & Linda will continue leading the Monday "easy" hike and Doug will continue leading the Tuesday "aggressive" hike. Are you confused yet? Just show up at the VCPL at 9AM on almost any Monday, Tuesday or Thursday and somebody will take you on a hike................
Meet at the VCPL at 9AM Monday and Wayne & Linda will take you for a "stroll". Come on Thursday and I will lead you to either the top of Cathedral Rock or from Bonita Pass to Silver Pass on the Continental Divide Trail (we will clear this trail as we have done for the last 8-10 years). Doug is leading a group up Handies Peak Tuesday morning, contact him for exact details on 873-5239.

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