Once again, into the clouds we ventured, to 12,480'. Twenty hikers from 15 to over 75 years of experience, Took the Stair Steps up through alpine gardens. We gazed upon far horizons, studded with 14,000' peaks. We descended to blue waters of Hunters Lake.
Welcome to Butlers (AZ), Moores, and some renewals. Congrats to Jane on retiring and rehiring for new career. Thanks to Jon Romine for trailfinding and flower ID. Thursday, some will leave the SF Park for Divide walking. 8 a.m. departure. Bring cameras for 2008's great flower show, boots for loose rocks, lunch for locomotion, poncho, eyes and hearts for the King of the Trails: the CDT.
--Doug Knudson

Trail through garden, Stairsteps. This awed four grown men.
Daniel on top stair, in the clouds. Hi, Grandma, Mom, and sweetie!
Thistle & columbine, Stairsteps
Hikers' view NE from Stairsteps
Is this a friendly garden gnome @12,000'?
Paintbrush–hot pink or magenta?
The blue of Hunters Lake
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