Tuesday, December 31, 2013

6 Mile Flats

9 snowshoers enjoyed the scenery and easy walking at 6 Mile Flats.  We stayed out of the Cross Country tracks carefully groomed by Creede folks (some of us will be there tomorrow with skis to celebrate the start of 2014).
We welcomed Tammy (Linda's engineer sister) who ignored any fears of snowy terrain and successfully adapted John's big-foot snowshoes to somewhere near her size.
As you can see, the landscape was enhanced with a crystal clear sky and framed by the looming La Garitas to the East.
Don't miss next Monday's snowshoe trek, somewhere beautiful.  Meet at the SF Visitor Center before 10 a.m. with snowshoes (maybe hiking boots), a snack, and good will.
Happy New Year to all.       Doug Knudson
9 walking easily--is this heaven?


Going Up suggestion vetoed here




Really Rockies


From the Rio Grande on up--N edge of a huge crater


How's this for a snack bar?


Tammy from Texas enjoying the scenery


Tuesday, December 24, 2013


See you at the Park Creek Parking Lot this FRIDAY, December 27, 2013, at 9:30AM. 

"Life without GOD is like an unsharpened pencil---it has no point."

Monday, December 23, 2013

Boulder field

Eight sun-loving snowshoers basked in the warmth of the Boulders area near South Fork.  Even though the temperature was around 25º, we found it pleasant to follow animal tracks of several sorts, sit on a log for a snack, then walk on water at the Million Reservoir--hard water, it was!  As always, the boulders were beautiful, capped with snow, even tempting a try at climbing one (by Pat)--too slippery!
We'll try another destination next Monday. Meet at the S.F. Visitor Center at 9:50 a.m.  Bring warm clothes, good boots, and snowshoes.  A little lunch and sunglasses and water will help, too.
Merry Christmas to all.  If you're in S.Fork, we invite you to join us in a celebratory carol sing program at the Chapel of the South Fork at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday.  You music lovers will enjoy the privilege of hearing the talented Chelsea Oden at the piano--home for Christmas from her music teaching in Colorado Springs.
--Doug Knudson   719-873-5239


the BIG Boulders




Pat's antics on the big rock don't seem to interest Wayne, our (sometimes) safety officer.


Where the 2002 forest fire started, blowing to the East.  Two hikers who lost their home in that fire were with us today.


The fire's effects are still visible on the steep hill above Million Pond.

The bend-over snowshoe removal maneuver.


Monday, December 16, 2013

A sunny trip to Big Meadows, on big feet

An even dozen took advantage of a cool but sunny Monday for several hours of easy snow-shoeing.  Two neophyte snowshoers (Barbara and Deb) adapted quickly and energetically.  The 3.5-mile hike with a nice stop for lunch under a couple of trees had several people adjusting their wardrobes as they walked from the long shadows of the road along the South Fork of the Rio Grande and then into the sun as we neared the Big Meadows reservoir.
Next Monday, we'll probably have some Christmas-time visitors.  We have several shorter alternatives in mind to accommodate their low-land breathing apparati.  Meet on Monday before 10 a.m. at the South Fork Visitor Center. 
Questions:  873-5239   Doug Knudson
The start!


Cliffs below the reservoir


The South Fork of the Rio Grande, some flowing at 9,500' after many days and nights of freezing temperatures


Continental Divide on top of these hills


Bridge over the South Fork as it leaves the Big Meadows Reservoir


Foot traffic only


The South Fork--rocks, water, ice, and snow

Seating in sun or shade, mostly on the snow


End of our trail; beginning of another creature's.


Monday, December 9, 2013

Beaver Creek

There was some talk in some homes this morning about "too cold" at 9º below 0 with a brisk breeze.  Nevertheless, eight snowshoers came out and enjoyed the clear skies and bright sunshine (some said "too warm" for what I'm wearing").  We chose a route that protected us from the breeze and warmed us up.  After a couple hours of walking through the pines and spruce, enjoying Beaver Creek campground's scenery, our well-protected feet said "that's enough." 
We'll try to find another beautiful winter place next Monday.  All are welcome to join us--meet at the South Fork Visitor Center before 10:00 a.m.
Yes, it's likely to be cold, so dress adequately.  You'll go slowly enough to see some beautiful sights, such as these:
8 bundled up; the scarves were stowed about an hour later.


Cliffs along Beaver Creek


The creek was flowing, slightly.  Youth camp is above the other side


Blue shadows on white snow


fishing site, in the summer


Ponderosa pine in the campground


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Chuck Holton


Chuck is at home in South Fork and doing very well.


George Powell, president

Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club

Silverthreaders Club