Eight sun-loving snowshoers basked in the warmth of the Boulders area near South Fork. Even though the temperature was around 25º, we found it pleasant to follow animal tracks of several sorts, sit on a log for a snack, then walk on water at the Million Reservoir--hard water, it was! As always, the boulders were beautiful, capped with snow, even tempting a try at climbing one (by Pat)--too slippery!
We'll try another destination next Monday. Meet at the S.F. Visitor Center at 9:50 a.m. Bring warm clothes, good boots, and snowshoes. A little lunch and sunglasses and water will help, too.
Merry Christmas to all. If you're in S.Fork, we invite you to join us in a celebratory carol sing program at the Chapel of the South Fork at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday. You music lovers will enjoy the privilege of hearing the talented Chelsea Oden at the piano--home for Christmas from her music teaching in Colorado Springs.
--Doug Knudson 719-873-5239

the BIG Boulders
Pat's antics on the big rock don't seem to interest Wayne, our (sometimes) safety officer.
Where the 2002 forest fire started, blowing to the East. Two hikers who lost their home in that fire were with us today.
The fire's effects are still visible on the steep hill above Million Pond.
The bend-over snowshoe removal maneuver.
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