Monday, October 14, 2013

11 great hikers--Deep Creek

Monday's hike attracted 11 to Deep Creek.  An iffy sky turned cobalt blue. Wayne took us along and over this trail creek south of Creede.
There was plenty of beauty on this autumn day, including a lively creek and several broken beaver dams.  Autumn leaves in the snow, the fruit of the rose, distant peaks, steep slopes with aspen pioneers.and beautiful light blue spruce (Picea pungens) making Colorado look good.
All 11 are permanent resident--Where Have all the Texans Gone?  Some Texans are asking Why have we left?
At 9 a.m. we got to welcome Nancy, South Fork's newest resident, managing the Visitor /Interpretive Center/Marketing Director, on her first day of work.  Stop in and say "welcome!"
Tuesday, I'll be available at the Visitor Center just before 9 a.m. for a fairly short hike (3-4 miles) quite near the town.  Newcomers are welcome.
Proposal--after October Tuesday hikes, I suggest a pause in November.  Gather your strength for Monday snowshoe hikes (when appropriate).
Express complaints or suggestions via 873-5239 or e-mail.
--Doug Knudson
Looking ahead with pleasure


Deep Cr. water flows and jumps


The Orange Hat club


How to grow trees on a rockslide


abandoned beaver dam


Deep Creek 


The fruits of the rose--natural health food supply for winter

Dew Drop In


Blue spruce--Lovely light blue


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