Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fox mtn hike

We had a nice hike over to the top of Fox mountain, finding lots of chanterelles and some king Boletes on the way.  After lunch we started back to the truck looking for more mushrooms; it clouded up and started raining.  A couple of folks got separated from us but after a few minutes of shouting back and forth we located them. By that time we were down in the dark timber and without any landmarks or the sun to guide us, we had to rely on my GPS to get us headed back in the right direction for the truck.  But in the process we found some huge King Boletes!  So I guess we were supposed to wander around a little after all.  A little excitement is good once in a while.......
The views from the top of Fox are really nice, however, the smoke from the fires out West limited the views today....
I hear that Wayne is leading the group to the top of Del Norte peak Monday so come on out and join us, meeting at the VCPL at 9AM and bring your lunch, water, raingear and a couple of friends..........

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