Monday, April 29, 2013

Hike up West Alder creek

Wayne led us up the "annual" hike of West Alder cr., still quite a bit of water coming downstream, that is good to see.  The only wildflowers I saw were dandelions, too early for the cactus flowers at our lunch spot.  It was a great warm day for a hike, but the ticks are out so check yourself carefully.  We had a couple of new hikers, Rick & Debbie Haines from the Chinook Lodge and Smokehouse getting in some hiking before the summer rush starts.........
We will hike the East end of Beaver Mtn. trail on Thursday (if the road is open), this will be an easy one with a good road all the way to the oil pad.  When we get there we will decide if we have had enough. We will make a short side trip to check out the Indian Medicine tree.
Meet at the VCPL at 9AM, bring your lunch, water, sunscreen (we will be in the sun most of the time) and a friend.....

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