The San Luis valley is located in Southern Colorado high up in the beautiful Rocky Mountains! Our club members are comprised of avid Outdoor Adventurers and Environmental Activists. We came together as a group to create an environment where we can enjoy our magnificent surroundings and work together to preserve and protect this incredible area.
Saturday sled race has been postponed until Saturday, March 2, 9;30. Meet at Tucker Ponds Road.
George Powell, president
Silverthreaders Club
Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club
This is a reminder.
The downhill sled races will be on Feb. 23rd. Hamburgers will be served with the trimmings. Bring chips, deserts or something that will go with hamburgers. Contact Joe Degrado at 873-5617 or jdegradoatsf@msn.com if you plan to go along. If you don’t have a snowmobile, let Joe know and he will get you a ride. He needs to know Feb. 19 if you are going to participate so they can make sure they have enough burgers. If you have any questions contact Joe.
George Powell, president
The Silverthread Outdoor Club Meeting is February 19th, 6:30 PM potluck meal, 7 PM club meeting at the South Fork Community Building. Hope to see you there.
George Powell, president
H 719-873-5902
C 719-850-0080
Email ghp0181@gmail.com
The downhill sled races will be on Feb. 23rd. Hamburgers will be served with the trimmings. Bring chips, deserts or something that will go with hamburgers. Contact Joe Degrado at 873-5617 or jdegradoatsf@msn.com if you plan to go along. If you don’t have a snowmobile, let Joe know and he will get you a ride. He needs to know Feb. 19 if you are going to participate so they can make sure they have enough burgers. If you have any questions contact Joe.
George Powell, president
If you guys are interested, the Nordic Club has an event this Saturday. You are invited.
Bob Seago.
The Upper Rio Grande Nordic Club's Annual
Nordic Fun Day!
Saturday, February 9th
11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Deep Creek Cross Country Ski Trail
(Forest Service Administrative Site trailhead)
Call 658-0888 or 658-2602 for information
Cross Country Skiing
Picnic Lunch