After the big snows, eight of us enjoyed one of the most magical, beautiful days ever. Three hours of snowshoeing on this gorgeous "dwarf forest" of Pinyons and Junipers, just North of the Alpine subdivision. We packed down a lunchroom around a big pinyon. Then we watched the splendor of the mountains all around us as we walked back down our recently-made trail.
We are privileged to live in such a place. Although most of us also ski, it's good to spend at least one day per week experiencing the beauty at a slower pace, making an effort to trudge uphill and well as down. Rejoice! Thanks to you who shared this experience with us.
Next Monday meet at the SF Visitor Center before 10 a.m. for a snowshoe walk (assuming the snow stays with us), led by Wayne & Linda Moulds.
(On that Monday, I'll be talking about our trees with the Chapel of the South Fork folks who don't go snowshoeing--after lunch at the church. I think I'll take an early morning snowshoe walk on my own just to get warmed up.)
In South Fork we are preparing to celebrate Thanksgiving with the generous efforts of the Kiwanis Club and its collaborators. We hope all of you in Missouri, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, California, and other states will enjoy a rich day of giving thanks. When you come here to ski, look us up at home or church and on the slopes. You are welcome to join us on Monday mornings at 10.
--Doug Knudson
Lucky troopers before Agua Ramon Mtn.
Del Norte Peak--across the Rio
Piñon buddies on a hill
Juniper "cone" berries
Pinyon and RGNForest
Well-made resting place
Down a snowy lane