Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hike up the South Fork to Archuleta Creek

Seven hikers took a stimulating walk, with visiting forester Dave from Texas, up the South Fork of the Rio Grande from the Big Meadows Reservoir.  Some of our neighbors were already up near Archuleta Creek when we got there for lunch. 
The South Fork waters put on a great show--clear, fast running, frothing over rocks and small waterfalls, and looking just great.  The floral display has begun.  Red columbines were blooming by the hundreds, along with numerous others--pink Fremont geranium, white mountain candytuft and brook cress, strawberry blooms, and scrambled.  Bob and George sat down with what I called mullein in the meadow above Big Meadows Reservoir (last picture). 
Next Tuesday, Barbara Thiesfeld is making arrangements for an interesting hike.  Meet her at the Visitor Center parking lot in South Fork, unless she informs you differently.  Judy and I'll be in California for two Tuesdays, for a second big graduation for our family.
Keep getting fit.  We have some great high altitude hikes coming up in July and August.
--Doug Knudson

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