Tuesday, June 26
Nine intrepid folks hurried to the top of Del Norte Peak (only 12,400') for the flower show and the expansive views. A few found lower elevations adequate for their needs, and we congratulate them for their efforts and wisdom. We welcome Carolyn Strickland, who joined us and proved to be a smart hiker just in from Dallas.
Despite drought and persistent breezes, the alpine grasses and flowers are showing off. Thousands of hardy columbines, alpine sunflowers, penstemons, and their friends brush your boots as you ascend.
On Thursday, Dennis will lead a hike, probably up the same peak from a different approach. It is worth the dramatic vistas.
Next Tuesday, I hope to enjoy your company as we go up up Bennett Peak--only 6 miles round trip. Join us at 8:50 a.m. at the South Fork Visitor Center. Boots, jacket (believe it or not), snack or lunch, water, and a positive attitude will all reward you. You'll probably get plenty of sunshine and big refreshing air.
--Doug Knudson

Looks gentle enough
Del Norte hikers--3 of 9
One-sided spruce (Persistent wind from the SW) and a little snow facing NE
Whipple Penstemon--"above timberline" doesn't mean "lifeless."
Rio Grande National Forest from the top
Alpine columbines
Del Norte Pk columbines use rock shelters
Timberline cone (Engelmann spruce)
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