(I got my Computer picture storage-retrieval system in gear after a vanishing act last week. Thanks to Barbara, most of you know we took a fine walk last week.)
At 9 a.m. we departed for Upper Alpine, alighted from our coaches and set out northwesterly afoot northwesterly along the southern base of Agua Ramon Mountain. All were healthy, smiling, and alert; they remained so throughout the hike.
Future hike opportunities grow as temperatures rise:
Monday--easier hikes--will continue to meet at 9 a.m. at the S.F. Visitor Center throughout the spring and summer.
On these, you'll see beautiful forests, flowers, flowing water, and mountain panoramas. They aren't flat trails; only one is paved. We're in the mountains, after all.
Tuesday--People are already asking when we start our tough hikes on Tuesdays. Shall we say April 24? I'll be there to lead. Bob Munro seems agreeable for May 1, when I'll be in Chicago. Start by 9 a.m. at S.F. Visitor Center.
Our aim is to see the best scenery in Colorado while conditioning our lungs and legs. We'll work our way up to 8-12-mile hikes, then acclimatize to our high-altitude trails, so by late July and August we're ready for Mt. Elbert (our highest) and a couple of other 14ers (no technical skills or equipment needed). Note--we recommend that you get yourself into active condition by a strenuous set of heart and muscle exercises daily. Heavy breathing is good!
Wednesday--In June, Dennis is working with the visitor center on summer youth hikes. Watch for details from Dennis or ask Katy Richardson at the Visitor Center then notify your visiting youth.
Thursday--We don't have confirmation from Dennis Shepherd yet, but we'll probably have interest in hiking for everyone--intermediate level--on Thursdays as we did last summer. Start in late May or June. At some times last year, these were done with the Creede area hikers, taking us to new destinations.
All of these (except Wed.) are open for all hikers. If you want to take short, easy (but woodsy) hikes only, come on Mondays. If you want to get ready for mountain-top experiences, schedule Tuesdays. Thursdays can be for anyone, as long as they can make 5-6 miles on the rocky trails, with some off-trail cross-country segments.
Health care starts with you--go ahead and fool the statistics by healthy years of hiking.
--Doug Knudson
Remember--Silver Thread clubs meet tomorrow (Tuesday), with pot-luck dinner at 6:30 and business meeting fun at 7:00 at the Community Center.

11 hikers went about 5 miles round trip on 616 and 617.
Surrounded by piñon pines, currants, and Jamesia shrubs at the start, we made it up among the Ponderosas, Douglas-firs, and aspens for lunch.
Gail models latest food fashion visor
Pinyon pine with a good distant view.
Longest lunch log in a long time.
The green team.
Looking south toward a future hike--when that snow on Del Norte Peak disappears, we'll go for the top on a Tuesday--probably in June.
It's just across the Rio Grande Valley from today's hike, up at 12,400'. That'll get your heart pumping.
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