Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Silverthreaders Dues

Silverthreaders dues are due the first of May, they are $20. I have attached a membership application and a waiver. If you have not signed a waiver, you will need to sign one before you participate in club activities. You only need to sign one, because it will go from year to year. Please fill out an application if any information has changed since you joined. You can also print off applications and get your friends to join if they are not a member. Silverthreaders includes all activities except snowmobiling. Let’s have a fun summer. You can mail dues to the address below.




George Powell, president

Silverthreaders Club

Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club

PO Box 343

South Fork, CO. 81154-0343

H 719-873-5902

C 719-850-0080

Email ghp0181@gmail.com


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