A hike today took us to the beautiful Lone Rock. It is right on the meeting of Saguache and Rio Grande Counties. (I hadn't been there in 10 years; before then it was one of my favorite places.) The little creek that we followed feeds the vigorous Embargo Creek downstream from where we parked. The eleven hikers made it home with only some of their shoe leather damp from numerous creek crossings.

one little rock (but not alone)
A medium rock (not yet alone)
All the hikers
Lone Rock
From the Rock. The trail is in the yellow strip right beneath us.
Adieu! Down we go.
WE invite you to join us again on Wednesday for a flat "Walk with Wildlife" (about 3 miles in a loop). Our plan is to visit the refuge road through the Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge. Usually breezy gusts suggest warm windbreakers. Tennis shoes are enough. Binoculars are recommended.
You'll see more than you do when driving the loop. No fear of hunters on this property.
We'll leave the South Fork Visitor Center at 9 a.m. If it's more convenient for you, meet us at the entry parking lot (near the office), a few miles south of the Dairy Queen in Monte Vista.
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