Monday, April 13, 2015

Hike and snooze

An upward stroll on the west side of Agua Ramon Mtn. took us 2.75 miles up a nice hilly trail eroded to gentle ruts.
A rest at a pretty viewing place and we retraced our steps (no it wasn't boring) and we got to see the other angle of the slopes.  We hoped for birds, saw only 4.  Good weather, nice views, and good exercise up some steep slopes.
We'll do it again,  7 days from today,10 a.m., but somewhere else.  Thanks to all these good sports and sturdy walkers. 
Questions?     D. Knudson   873-5239
We were a dozen on FSRd 616


Del Norte from N


Nutritous, harvested Piñon Pine


Sometimes there are gaps


Spring aspen; new leaves awaiting proper conditions 


A noble limber pine


Lunch on the rocks


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