Monday, April 27, 2015

Embargo Creek Hike

A hike to Embargo Creek bottom-land was stimulated by Lionel Carpenter's invitation on Sunday night.  We reminisced about or former visits to  Doves  farm/airport/ranch.  It was strange-weather time:  snow and rain in the morning, with white covering until 8:30 a.m. turned to almost dry fields.  This large, semi-flat valley bottom contrasts with the steep "walls" all around it.  (you can't have a valley without  the rims of hills as its boundaries.) 
We were in the territory that was an exit from the high elevations of Mesa Mountain for the John C. Fremont expedition. Their "Christmas Camp" was up at timberline about 10-12 miles from Pat's location.  They got to this area in early January, 1849. They had given up their quest to cross the Continental Divide a couple of weeks earlier.  They went on to Taos in three groups, having lost only one person but virtually all of their mules and horses.
More than one way to accept Lionel's invitation!


Embargo Creek


The Dove Cabin


A lovely valley


A little bit of uphill walking was actually requested!


Agua Ramon Mountain/towers


Twin Peaks (X2from here)


Making wings on the runway (The neighbors had light aircraft here, until recently).


Near Fremont's "caves" in 1849


A "dancing" Juniper


Monday, April 20, 2015

11 glimpses of a nice, gentle hike

After a 2" snowfall on everything this morning, we headed out at 10 a.m., with almost everything melted.
Flowers were blooming--most of them tiny flowers, scattered over the lower reaches of Sentinel Mountain. 
The views from cliffs, ridges, and rocks were splendid.  The trees are varied. The company was agreeable.
We'll do this again next Monday, leaving the Visitor Center at 10 a.m.
Note: Silverthread club meeting Tuesday night at the community center in South Fork.  All are welcome. 6:30 p.m.
You may bring a dessert or simple hot dish to share. 
Doug Knudson
Pasque flower


11 hikers 


Blanche on the move


a pretty tiny flower ?name?


Another ?name?


Ponderosa pine




from mtn to mtn


Up we go!


Ball Cactus


The end is near.


Monday, April 13, 2015

Hike and snooze

An upward stroll on the west side of Agua Ramon Mtn. took us 2.75 miles up a nice hilly trail eroded to gentle ruts.
A rest at a pretty viewing place and we retraced our steps (no it wasn't boring) and we got to see the other angle of the slopes.  We hoped for birds, saw only 4.  Good weather, nice views, and good exercise up some steep slopes.
We'll do it again,  7 days from today,10 a.m., but somewhere else.  Thanks to all these good sports and sturdy walkers. 
Questions?     D. Knudson   873-5239
We were a dozen on FSRd 616


Del Norte from N


Nutritous, harvested Piñon Pine


Sometimes there are gaps


Spring aspen; new leaves awaiting proper conditions 


A noble limber pine


Lunch on the rocks


Monday, April 6, 2015

Pup Peak

Hiking toward Pup Peak is a game of a vanishing target. You can see the little 8,855± cone from many places on the roads of the SLV. However, it's tough to spot from the gully/canyon that we used to hike toward it.
Finally, when the ascent takes us out of the little valley, it goes upward at rather surprising angles.
The views from the top are of places familiar to most of us:  Dog Mountain (nearby), the Bennett Peak complex, Del Norte Peak, the Sangre de Cristo "wall" that forms the East side of the valley, and lots of farms and communities out in the bottom of the valley.  Close in we saw a few colorful winged migrants, back from winter vacation.  Our chief face finder pointed out various stone "creatures" all along the return trail.
Welcome back to Penny.    This group discussed and decided by hand vote to start hikes at 9 a.m. as of early May
—that will be May 4. ( It was a split decision; thanks to the graciousness of those preferring an earlier start now.)
For April, we will continue to leave the visitor center at 10 a.m.
--Doug Knudson    873-5239
Ten followed this gully


The bike trail and the wall.


What creatures are these?


Target in view--just a little farther!


Energy stop before final assault


Pat says she will make it to the top!  And she did, with apparent ease!


Gathering at the top


From Pup Peak to Dog Mtn & Del Norte Pk


Pintada and Bennet Peaks from Pup Pk