A hike to Embargo Creek bottom-land was stimulated by Lionel Carpenter's invitation on Sunday night. We reminisced about or former visits to Doves farm/airport/ranch. It was strange-weather time: snow and rain in the morning, with white covering until 8:30 a.m. turned to almost dry fields. This large, semi-flat valley bottom contrasts with the steep "walls" all around it. (you can't have a valley without the rims of hills as its boundaries.)
We were in the territory that was an exit from the high elevations of Mesa Mountain for the John C. Fremont expedition. Their "Christmas Camp" was up at timberline about 10-12 miles from Pat's location. They got to this area in early January, 1849. They had given up their quest to cross the Continental Divide a couple of weeks earlier. They went on to Taos in three groups, having lost only one person but virtually all of their mules and horses.

More than one way to accept Lionel's invitation!
Embargo Creek
The Dove Cabin
A lovely valley
A little bit of uphill walking was actually requested!
Agua Ramon Mountain/towers
Twin Peaks (X2from here)
Making wings on the runway (The neighbors had light aircraft here, until recently).
Near Fremont's "caves" in 1849
A "dancing" Juniper