Tuesday, April 29, 2014

West Alder Creek hike

Doug, here are some more pix if you would like to send them out.  Was Fremont here in 1847  or 1849? -- Maybe both times--check Stuart Bryan's book to confirm--on sale at the Visitor Center.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Alder Creek Hike: Fremont's rugged winter route

Nineteen hikers explored the squeezy parts of Alder Creek Canyon this morning.  A little snow, a little sun, a few wet boots, and a breeze or two created memories. 
We found a lot of willows, many alders, and a few cottonwoods.  We hopped across the creek several times. 
We could sense the squeeze of the narrowing canyon. It might have been a warning that this wasn't the best place to walk and sleep in the snow.  That warning was unheeded by a group that, long ago, made a trek from the Rio Grande up the Alder Creek, past today's golf course and guard station and the rock pillar seen in picture 3.  
In Dec. 1847, Capt. John C. Fremont with 20 men and 200 mules, headed up Alder Creek in search of a way across the Continental Divide. After a couple of miserable days and nights they broke out at Pool Table Park.  After that they went on and up with determination until the 4-8 foot snowfields stopped them. The lack of food killed most of their mules. So finally they retreated down the nasty terrain of Embargo Creek (to the East of Alder) and eventually took refuge at Kit Carson's house (he was home at the time) in Taos, NM.  You can read more of this in a lively book (Fremont's Fatal Fourth) written by local resident Stuart Bryan--Nancy sells it in the Visitor Center.
Welcome back to Marty, Dennis, Alison and David.
D. Knudson
Head of the trail


Looking South toward the Rio Grande


Landmark on Bryan's cover


Winding up


and more


...into the openness


Willows grow in Alder Creek, as well as alders.


'tis a twisty thing!


Monday, April 21, 2014

5 moon Photos

For those who didn't wake up early last week, here are some pictures of the moon and some with a planet and a star, taken at the time of the eclipse.  I enjoyed the bouncing out of bed five times during the night.  I'm pleased with the camera's ability to make a pretty sharp image with exposures of one or two seconds, even in the hand-held way I used.  I'm glad we live in a dark place, with only a few lights to dodge.  I hope we'll adopt a dark skies policy for our town and the area around it.
--Doug Knudson
Apr 14. 2014   10 p.m. full moon


1:15 a.m. Apr 15, '14


Half-through eclipse  Moon/Spica  Apr 15 14


Moon, blue Spica and Mars  2:15 a.m.  (hand-shaken)


reemerging moon, Spica, and Mars 4-15-14


April 21 already Photos

A nice 5 mile jaunt from the SLV floor into ridges of rocks and gentle trails introduced us to a "new" part of the Elephant Rocks area. That leaves one more to try all 4 roady trails.  17 people seemed to enjoy the diverse rock formations and rich plant life.  Mayebelle and Linda also studied the black beetles that were emerging from small holes in the soil.  We take our time (sometimes) and see a lot of the plant world around our ankles.
Next Monday at 10 a.m. we will again depart the South Fork Visitor Center for another "smart hike".  Join us at no cost except attentiveness and energetic walking.  We have three options in mind; the choice will be influenced by the weather--we may get snow, you know. (The Rev. Dr. Odom is waiting patiently for today's rain clouds to open up.)
--Doug Knudson
17 started and finished at the Valley bottom.


We looked for faces and found many


A big split happened once


We like lichens


Interesting Piñon Pine valley


More lichens on lava flows


Forbidding but accessible


Pinocchio peeking


Backdrop to lunch room


Luncheon Seating choice


Another rock face


Monday, April 14, 2014

Silverthread Snowmobile Article and Pictures

Snowmobile articles and pictures...Articles and pictures of Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club submitted for February, March, and April were published in the Colorado Snowmobile Association Snow Scoop Editions. February and April are online editions...March was a hardcopy send to your home. The April Edition (page 5) is just out and can be viewed online at:




Coller SWA Photos

Number are growing as the weather warms--even on a chilly morning.  Eighteen walkers heard it would be a nearly flat hike and accepted the "challenge," including new Councilman Don Spencer.  A little machine estimated that the loop we took amounted to 4.5 miles
The idea for next week, weather permitting, is to visit English Valley or #3 route in Elephant Rocks. 
We start out of the Visitor Center Parking Lot at 10 a.m. on Monday.
--Doug Knudson
We were 18 treading on Coller State Wildlife Area


The River Grande and Del Norte Peak


Across the Rio, the Palisades


Contemplating the scenery


Snack-time by the Rio Grande


Narrowleaf cottonwoods near the Rio Grande


Lunch seems to be a happening


Heading back, up a little hill


Friday, April 11, 2014

Silverthreaders Annual Dues

The annual dues for the Silverthreaders Club are due by May 1, 2014. The dues are $20 for family or individual, $30 for a business. I have attached a membership form and a waiver. If you have signed a waiver, you don’t need to sign another one. Mail dues to Silverthreaders Club, PO Box 343, South Fork, CO. 81154

The Silverthreaders Club includes all of our activities except snowmobiling. If you have any questions contact me.




George Powell, president

Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club

Silverthreaders Club


April Silverthread Club Meeting


The Silverthread Club meeting will be April 15, pot luck meal 6:30 PM, club meeting 7 PM at the South Fork Community Building. Come and enjoy the fellowship.


George Powell, president

Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club

Silverthreaders Club


Monday, April 7, 2014

Penitente Canyon Photos

Fourteen hikers got a Spring close-up of Penitente Canyon and several of its trails.  We also went to St. Juan's church at La Garita to admire the excellent work done by the Archuleta family. 
Several of our people also got to see two bald eagles flying near the Penitente area.
Join us next Monday for a close-up walk along the Rio Grande. We'll leave the S.F. Visitor Center at 10 a.m.  We'll watch for dippers, eagles, and ducks, along with migrants headed North.  On Sunday a flock of colorful ducks was enjoying the chilly water.  This is a good hike for anyone; individual turn-around opportunities are numerous and safe.
We won't be walking on or in water.
--Doug Knudson
14 Penitente Canyon hikers


Penitente walls


Rock-bound Penitente 


Wayne on the rocks


Hard breathing?


Down into the Penitente Canyon, Sangres on horizon


Remaining Rectory Wall


San Juan chapel