Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Snow cave construction.....

It had been about 7 years since we had demonstrated how to build a snow cave, so today we did just that!  Tim, Bob & David proved to be great snow cavers.  We were making pretty slow progress at first working like moles or gophers, but then Bob promoted all of us to "Snow Excavation Engineers" and then we really made good progress........
We did show that you can do this without any other equipment than what you would normally have on an outing; however,  a small packable shovel would be a real asset to carry with you all the time.
Thanks, Dennis

Monday, February 24, 2014

Ivy-Lime trail hike

Something called the Ivy-Lime winter trail took us through 2-feet (on the level) of snow at about 9300 feet elevation, south of Creede. George promised us snow and he had it all ready, along with nice views of many mountains around us, including Bristol Head.  Thanks to the 18 hikers--16 of them from South Fork--jolly good company. We'll see Dr. Mike again in warmer times--thanks for joining us for two weeks.
Special Activity on Wednesday--Snow caving.
  Dennis Shepherd and a few friends will instruct us in emergency snow cave construction, up on Wolf Creek Pass.  This is a valuable survival technique in case of being caught in blizzard  or other disabling conditions.  You may have heard about several families this winter who have survived because they knew how to make and use snow caves. 
  Dennis suggests that  you bring 1) snowshoes, gloves, and the equipment you normally wear or carry, 2) snow pants (waterproof or nearly so), 3) snack(s), and a willingness to work.  If you wish to, bring some extra clothing and emergency equipment, but we're thinking of emphasizing a normal, snowy outing and what you would due under those conditions.
  We will meet at the South Fork Visitor Center by 10 a.m., then carpool to near some deep snow, hike a ways, and pretend we're needing protection for one reason or another. We will probably be done by 2 p.m.  That may have allowed some of us to be snug in a little snow cave for a while.  Please come expecting to participate.
We will hike or snowshoe again next Monday, leaving the S.F. Visitor Center at 10 a.m. Come prepared for both walking in the snow or walking on dry ground, as conditions warrant.  (Did I hear someone this morning predicting snow for this week?) 
--Doug Knudson
View from Ivy-Lime Trail


Well-regimented troops 


Everybody's still with us?


No snow on S-facing slopes; 2' on N-facing.


Our Sherpa Guide


Bristol Head


18 people; one track


Dr. Mike fixes Penny's electronics


16 of the 18


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

“Enjoying the Outdoors Where the Fun Never Stops!”

"Enjoying the Outdoors Where the Fun Never Stops!"  The Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club welcomes you!  Come join our Pot Luck Dinners at 6:30PM with Business Meetings at 7PM every third Tuesday of the Month at the South Fork Community Center.  27 members enjoyed a delicious potluck dinner last night.  We wrapped up our business meeting with Jack Wilson winning the 50/50 drawing. 





Monday, February 17, 2014

Bear Creek

February 16, 2014, was a warm non-snowy day in South Fork.  So we left the snowshoes behind and just walked up a hill and back down the other side--a mere 2.4 miles that seemed to some to be too rocky or too steep and to others too snowy. But to all it was a wonderful place to get a different perspective on South Fork and Del Norte Peak.
We even found our former postmaster, Ted Sandoval; catch up with us near the top of the hill, he caught up with us.  He has been on virtually every high hill around South Fork and many beyond.  Retirement has apparently energized him, even more than before!
Next Monday, our hikers from Creede--George and Mike and Connie--will show us a special place South of town, behind Snowshoe Mountain.  Mr. Ameel promises us good snow and says we should bring our snowshoes for sure. 
Please note:  Let's meet at 9:30 at the S. F. Visitor Center next Monday morning. However, if you live in the Creede area or miss us in South Fork, we will join you on the Main Street near the Creede Repertory Theatre (the older, upper one) at 10:00 a.m.  From there, we'll car pool to the turn-off (left) at the bridge 7 miles West of Creede. (Real late-comers can meet us there.) From there, we'll continue the car-pool around the mountain to Spar City area and beyond to the starting point.  (You might not make it to a 2:00 p.m. appointment after the hike.)  Come and see whether it's as beautiful as George claims it is.
Questions?  873-5239  Doug Knudson
We started and ended with counts of 16 hikers, here moving sprightly on an uphill trek.


South Fork from a hill NE of town


Considering the options


Young and ancient Piñon pines


We found various techniques for going downhill--all of them graceful.


See?  That wasn't so tough!


A warm mid-February day on the E slope


This hill, on the western rim of Bear Creek valley, didn't look "insane" after we got down.


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Pictures for Elwood Pass---2/15/14...

Saturday, February  15, 2014:  Eleven of us had a great day on the machines at Elwood Pass. It was sunny and warm with awesome snow conditions which made for easy riding anywhere you went. More rides planned this coming week.



Friday, February 14, 2014

February Silverthread Club Meeting


The February Silverthread Club meeting will be on Feb. 18, potluck meal 6:30 PM and meeting 7 PM at the South Fork Community Center.


George Powell, president

Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club

Silverthreaders Club


Snowmobile Riding for Saturday, February 15, 2014

Meet us at Park Creek Parking Lot tomorrow, Saturday, February 15, 2014,  at 9AM  for a ride to Elwood.

Some pictures from yesterday posted below...