Monday, January 6, 2014

Trout Creek

Nine pairs of eyes saw below 0º  on their thermometers this morning.  Yet, they showed up for a beautiful brief hike near town.  We saw those delicate things called aspen buds sitting out in the -15º of the early morning; yet, somehow, in five months, they will start opening up as flowers and delicate leaves. 
It's wonderful how our bodies perform: from shivering as we put on the snowshoes, to  perspiring and warm after a half-mile of shuffling through ankle-deep snow. A great way to celebrate the beauty of January, 2014.
Come prepared to warm yourself as we snowshoe next Monday--we depart from the S.F. Visitor Center at 10 a.m.  If conditions allow, we could go to the Pass and wander the Trail loops near Alberta Lake. 
We'll see you then.     --Doug Knudson
See the guy in the middle?  just back from Texas and already adjusted.


See the guy on the right?  Just back from rainy Oslo, Norway, where the skiing was different from Wolf Creek.


See the lady from Greeley?  at home in the woods, but...


she wouldn't agree to climb up there


There's life in these aspen buds. It's tough to tell if they're male or female flowers or leaves inside.


But there are plenty of buds.


Gateway cliff invites you to the Trout Creek Trail--one of our beautiful highway "decorations."


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