Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Up a creek and steep hills

Tuesday's hike drew four of us who walked up steep  trails to get near to Fremont's Christmas Camp on trail 885.  Since most of us had been to the camp and time was fleeting, we declared an about face at a creek crossing, right under the hill that holds the camp.  Wayne's yellow mileage gadget read 7.8 miles round trip.  (It would have been about 10 if we'd made it to the camp. 
This was an excellent conditioning hike--all of us felt it improving our legs and lungs.  Wayne suggested two of these each week and Ashley was eager to get up a fourteener--three times she heard "August". 
I enjoyed this trail very much, but I don't think that Fremont's descent from the Christmas Camp was on this side of the mesa (shown in the picture).  So, we'll try another angle, checking out the other fork (the main one) of Rincon Creek on another day.
Thursday, Dennis says he will lead a hike up to the highly scenic Cathedral Cliffs.  It is steep but a short trip and well worth it.  Easy hikes on Monday and a hard-breather on Tuesday next week.
NOTE for your Esthetic Enjoyment:
This Sunday, two cultural events may capture your attention. 
From 1-4 p.m., two local fellows (Vincent and Dana) will have a reception to open their exhibition of photography and other art at the Rio Grande County Museum in Del Norte.  (They are also good cooks and I'll bet the refreshments will be of the same fine quality as the images. I've seen a few of their excellent photos and they often serve tasty goodies at our church).
Then, at 5 p.m., an outdoor musical concert by the South Fork Music Association well be held outside at the S.F. Visitor Center.  One of our hikers will apparently be performing (Sigrid  Baugh) and reminds each to bring a chair.
--Doug Knudson
This looks like red elderberry


Vernon Mann's equipment shed


There are directions (here and there)


Fremont Christmas Camp is under the cloud and behind the visible trees


Brook Cress Cardimine cordifolia


Aspen seeds make July snow 


Ready to ride home


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