Ten hikers strolled through part of Penitente Canyon. We were lucky to pick up Mr. and Mrs. Rechten from Crystal Lake, IL at the beginning of the trail. They will be skiing with Barbara and others tomorrow, to watch Del Peckumn ski off of Alberta Peak in recognition of his 80 years of practice.
We noted some interesting changes at Penitente, including more fences, benches, and intricate cairns marking new segments of routes. We did not find the peek-through rock, so Barbara will try again at a later date.
Snowshoes weren't needed today. We found a narrow snow/ice strip in one of the fissures we walked through. The 60º early afternoon break was almost summery
Next Monday, assuming appropriate weather, we'll wander through the ridges and valleys of Elephant Rocks. We'll leave the S.Fk. Visitor Center at 10 a.m. Bring water and a snack or lunch. Wear boots--some areas will be rocky--big and little. Sun block and ready-for-anything clothing = prudence.
Invitation for multi-culturists: Dr. James Jefferson, Southern Ute Tribe, will give a talk on Saturday, March 30, about the Old Spanish National Historic Trail and its impacts on the Ute people. 10-11:30 A.M. in the library of the beautiful new museum, on the North side of Ignacio (Hwy 172). FREE.
It's worth the trip to hear this gentle man talk. The museum is worth a trip. Lunch at the restaurant at the Sky Ute Hotel is, too. At least five of us from South Fork plan to be there. You're welcome to come along.
--Doug Knudson 873-5239
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