Monday, January 28, 2013

Snowshoeing in the falling snow

'Twas a day of swirling snow--ideal for a walk on big shoes. Temperatures were just below, then just above, then below the freezing level. The snow sometimes limited visibility. Then the mountains would emerge from the swirling.  It was a lovely day.  Thanks to Wayne, Linda, and able newcomer Sharon for your eagerness to experience a very special day. On snowshoes, snow is seldom a threat.  At this temperature, we were warm--exercise does warm one.
After a couple of miles of walking, Sharon offered fresh cake and coffee. None of us turned it down; it even enticed Judy.
Although this wonderful snow isn't expected to last long, we will have a small expedition next Monday--hopefully on snowshoes.  Before 10 a.m. at the Visitor Center.  Don't let the weather get you isolated.  As was said many times this morning--we live in a beautiful place!  Give thanks!
--Doug Knudson     
Wayne, Sharon, Linda on a snowy day

Red Willows--special to Ute and Taos Pueblo people


happy to be headed back


What a view!


grass on Alder Creek


Spencers' Coffee 'n Cake place


Monday, January 21, 2013

Fox Mtn Sat. 1-19 Great Day for Snowmobiling


It was a wonderful day at Fox Mtn .. Saturday.   Jim lead us through the trees to the top of Fox Mountain.

Wow, what a view.  The rolling hills were lots of fun.   This is one of the places we will be visiting during the CSA Conference next weekend.   We met some great folks from the Creede Club and had a long lunch at the top.  Jim caught some air flying of the hills.   Hope the rest of the Silverthread group will make it up there soon.



The north trail on lower Sentinel Mountain

While President Obama was swearing to uphold the Constitution, this group of 14 appreciated nature's scenery and the pleasure of exercise in the snow. 
All three newcomers made the three-mile loop with grace and relative ease.  So did the old guard.
Thanks to Judy for the coffee-tea-or-agua at 89 Fir Drive, where we welcome all hikers.  Drop in anytime.
Next Monday-- another foray through the snow with big feet and beautiful views.  10 a.m. departure from the South Fork Visitor Center.
Questions?  873-5239                    --Doug Knudson
Up and rolling along


Lucky 13 in the snow and among the Ponderosas.


Which is older and/or more stately?


Bunny-hop land

Rosetta and Linda made it, with the trail route behind them.


These folks went home to a steak dinner.


Friday, January 18, 2013


Yes, indeed--cold weather is fun, as long as we keep moving.  On Monday past, six of us ignored the -15º dawn temperature. It moved up a bit by starting time (10 a.m.)
We explored part of Coller Wildlife area, along the river and then back along the base of the hills, near the border of the Rio Grande National Forest.
What you see from the highway looks quite different from on the ground.  The huge palisades across the river are awesome, high enough that snow made them look pretty misty.
Every Monday at 10 a.m. for the next few months, we'll depart from the Visitor Center.  The pattern so far is one to one-and-a-half hours away from the vehicles and a similar time to get back, often by making a loop.  This is very good exercise, but certainly not difficult hiking. If you haven't tried it, you'll be surprised how quickly you can catch on.  We'll help out by breaking trail and coaching your technique, if you wish.  Come with us and stay healthier.
--Doug Knudson


Saturday, January 12, 2013

January Silverthread Club Meeting

The January Silverthread Club Meeting is on  January 15, Potluck 6:30 PM, meeting  7 PM at the South Fork Community Center. Come and enjoy.

George Powell, president


Monday, January 7, 2013

Snowshoeing in 2013 Jan 7

Thirteen hiked to start the thirteenth year of the 21st century. 
We started at 10 a.m. and enjoyed clarity, sunshine, and beautiful snow at the Boulder field and on the surface of Million Reservoir.
We stayed lower this week to "break in" some of our participants who wanted the most beautiful (not the toughest) hike.
Next Monday we'll leave the Visitor Center again at 10 a.m.  We hope for more snow for some local walks.  If not, we'll go into the higher country for greater depth. Join us and bring friends. Linda Treibly will be with us--and maybe John.  And maybe Audra at the V.C. will give it a try. You can rent snowshoes locally for unequipped visitors.
--Questions? (719) 873-5239     Doug Knudson
Shoes On!


12 shadows on pure white


Jim climbs boulder with snowshoes …


This far.


Big rocks and trees.


near Million Res.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

10 a.m. for hikes

Happy New Year to all of you.

Monday morning we'll snowshoe starting at 10 a.m.--that's an hour later than our December expeditions.

Please join us at that time at the South Fork Visitor Center. Bring snowshoes, warm clothes, and a will to spend 1-2 hours walking in beautiful country. My thought is to go up to the ski area and hike down to Alberta Lake and/or wander around in the wooded knolls nearby.

We can do this in two different groups, allowing a shorter route for people who haven't been out with us yet and a longer one for those who have excessive vigor.

So--I'll see you at 10 a.m. in the morning. --Doug Knudson 719-873-5239