Monday, March 21, 2011

Hike 616-617A

With 3 seasoned hikers inspiring us, ten folks went up road 616, which somehow turned into 617A and took us through the Piñon-Juniper forest above Alpine. We got into an ecotone with the appearance of Douglas-fir and Ponderosa pine and aspen.
he views were vast. Someday, we'll keep going long enough to find the end of this road/trail. Presumably it's somewhere near Bear Cr.

We plan to go to San Luis by car-pool, leaving at 8:00 a.m. on Monday. Meet at the Visitor Center before 8:00. We'll climb the trail with the Stations of the Cross sculptures, visit the beautiful chapel overlooking the oldest town in Colorado, and see several other features nearby. It seems that some of our members want to eat at a restaurant, so we'll explore the possibilities. We also hope to visit the oldest standing church building in the state--at Old San Acacio. I'll contact a couple of friends who may be able to talk with us or show us special things.

As you may know, the Old Spanish Trail (east fork of the North Branch) goes through San Luis; we see this town as a major cultural preserver of ancient Hispanic traditions. It's a town of special character. Somehow, as an 8 year resident of two towns in Latin America, I feel quite comfortable in this place. It has a most interesting history and some fine citizens.

Due to the distance, please plan on a longer time than normal.
--Doug Knudson

Octogen hikers 3-11 Mayebelle Gilfillan, Ozzie Wells, Wayne Odom

Linda,Wayne,Eve, Ozzie, Marilyn,Mayebelle,Wayne O., Lloyd/Barbara


Piñon cones March 2011

617A /D.Norte Peak

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