We hiked into Fremont's Christmas camp today (or very near it, the sign isn't where it used to be), bushwhacking down a canyon and hitting a trail to take us up another canyon and closer to our destination. We saw a young bull moose, but he wasn't posing for pictures today so I missed him...
I swear the hills are getting longer and steeper up there; we were at about 12,000 ft. elevation and breathing was an effort with the exertion we used. We had lunch in the vicinity of the camp and scouted all around for the sign but it wasn't to be found. We came out a different way and some of us got separated in the underbrush but everybody eventually made it back to the vehicles safe, sound and pooped out?
We drove out the long way, going by Cottonwood Cove for ice cream and whatnot.
Thanks to Barbara Thiesfeld for loaning her camera to me, mine decided to stay back in the front seat of my truck..............
We are having a Moonlight Hike Friday the 23rd at Shaw Mesa; the Full Moon is on the 25th so it should be very bright. I will bring hot dogs with the fixings, chili, water for hot and cold drinks. Bring something to share with the rest of the group............and a chair to sit in.
If you haven't been to Shaw Mesa, go 1 mile East of South Fork and take a right up the Forest Service road for about 4 miles(don't take a right onto 350 road). Take a left onto Shaw Mesa and go about 1/4 mile to a road and take another left. We will be just to the West (left) of the closed gate.
We will start about 630PM, fix some dogs and then let the fire die down while we take a short hike to the overlook. When we get back the fire should be ready for us to fix marshmallows, s'mores and whathaveyou..........
Next Tuesday we will hike up to Snow Mesa, meet at 8AM at Rickles Park, bring your lunch, water, raingear and a friend. We will meet the Creede folks on Deep Creek road at about 830ish.

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