Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A road beyond the map

Hiking season continues. The color is just beginning. The weather is terrific.

Nine hikers strolled up an easy ATV route (followed by 25+ of our Silverthread mechanical members). We passed Piñon, Ponderosa, and Aspen, with great but hazy views of the mountains all around us. We explored the many little watersheds facing south along this inclined place.
Our road, numbered 649 on Carsonite posts, but invisible on the maps, branched off on other "new" numbered spurs.

Strong hikers may wish to join a half-dozen of us on Thursday before 8:00 a.m. at Rickels Park. We will drive to Blowout Pass, then hike the three miles to the top of Bennett Peak (13,300'), assuming that the weather permits it.

For next Tuesday, Wanda has requested a trip to Creede, going up on dramatic Campbell Mountain. Again, meet by 8 a.m. at Rickels Park, carpool to Creede and meet John and others near the theatre at no later than 8:45. This relatively short hike requires boots for safety and ankle protection among large (but safe) rocks.

--Doug Knudson 873-5239

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