The scenery was beautiful, the meal was great, and the fellowship was fantastic. We got a lot of work done. We put out lots of poles and lots of markers. A big thank you to all that helped make today a big success.
Thanks, George.
The San Luis valley is located in Southern Colorado high up in the beautiful Rocky Mountains! Our club members are comprised of avid Outdoor Adventurers and Environmental Activists. We came together as a group to create an environment where we can enjoy our magnificent surroundings and work together to preserve and protect this incredible area.
Color time arrived recently. It's still taking over the valley of Shallow Creek. Every view pleases the eye and spirit. A forest and its volcanic rock base makes a thrilling spectacle.
If you want more color, join us by 9 am on Thursday for a long ride and short hike (2-3 mi) to Stunner--a ghost town with very lively, exciting trees and some of Colorado's most colorful mountains.
We'll eat lunch at Platoro--Your choice. Bring money and "alternative" lunch. If you ever take a camera, this one may be the best opportunity. We can talk composition and viewpoints.
--Doug Knudson
Pictures of the ATV Ride on Friday Sept. 26 with the Creede Club. Thank you Karen for the pictures.
George Powell
Eleven fortunate hikers got to observe the early colors on the Rio Grande NF on the third day of autumn. Deep blue skies, dark pines and spruce contrasted with aspens' range of colors, from orange to fading green. We looked down into Elk Creek Ranch, and up to Sentinel Mtn and Del
Norte Peak. We marveled and wondered at the log tepee (please leave it alone).
This road has several branches that will be lakes of gold over the next two weeks.
--Doug Knudson
Next Tuesday, 9 am, leave Rickel Park for a visit to Shallow Creek's often spectacular colors. One-half along the creek; second half is steeper. Lunch on the hillside, then return.
11 on the Divide, 3 atop Alberta Peak.
Lunch right at timberline.
First full day of autumn.
(ski season beckons)
Clear, cool, slight breeze.
(no snow in sight).
The Continental Divide Trail.
The South San Juans nearby.
Rio Grande National Forest.
Magnificence abounds.
More coming:
--Thursday 9 a.m., Rickels Park, somewhere, an easy walk, if possible.
--Next Tuesday 9 a.m. Same start, then to Creede and up Shallow Creek (cross it twice) Last half is up a long ramp; bring lunch and color camera. Forest Service employees invited--no cost!
--Doug Knudson
On this sunny Thursday, five found our way, To the top of our dominant mountain. Bennett Peak reaches 13,203 feet, With views in all directions of this mountain vastness. We Chuckled at the ATV "hunter" who said he'd reached forty as if that disqualified him from hiking (we average maybe 65).
The "trail" is cut deeply with loose rocks kicked up by 40-year-old riders of low pressure tires.
Flowers still hold on but look a bit ragged as the snow approaches. Our alpine environment treated our eyes and expanded our souls. We paid for a special experience with heavy breathing and challenging our muscles.
Remember to join us Tuesday for a shorter but steep trip up Campbell Mountain, just north of Creede. We'll meet at Rickels Park about 8 a.m., then meet our Creede hikers near the theater and head out for some great looks into deep, steep canyons. Bring boots; we may eat in Creede or on the way home, but come with some extra.
--Doug Knudon
Hiking season continues. The color is just beginning. The weather is terrific.
Nine hikers strolled up an easy ATV route (followed by 25+ of our Silverthread mechanical members). We passed Piñon, Ponderosa, and Aspen, with great but hazy views of the mountains all around us. We explored the many little watersheds facing south along this inclined place.
Our road, numbered 649 on Carsonite posts, but invisible on the maps, branched off on other "new" numbered spurs.
Strong hikers may wish to join a half-dozen of us on Thursday before 8:00 a.m. at Rickels Park. We will drive to Blowout Pass, then hike the three miles to the top of Bennett Peak (13,300'), assuming that the weather permits it.
For next Tuesday, Wanda has requested a trip to Creede, going up on dramatic Campbell Mountain. Again, meet by 8 a.m. at Rickels Park, carpool to Creede and meet John and others near the theatre at no later than 8:45. This relatively short hike requires boots for safety and ankle protection among large (but safe) rocks.
--Doug Knudson 873-5239