It was nice to have 9 hikers appreciating the beautiful day on the rim of Penitente Canyon. We followed the heavily used bike trails, for the most part, but encountered no bikers. Likewise, we stayed out of the lower part of the canyon, where the climbers were dangling.
This is one of the perennial favorites of our hikes, with plenty of diversity in this area full of big rocks and low elevation trees and shrubs. In about two months, the flowers will be blooming. The historical story of this area also attracts visitors, along-side the ancient rock art near the parking area.
Our Monday morning hikes will continue for the rest of the year. Until sometime in early May, we'll meet at 10 a.m. at the visitor center. In mid-april (?) we may start adding Wednesday hikes as well. Stay tuned.
If you've been hiking or lifting or running, you'll be ready. If you've been appreciating the flatlands from a car seat, get on your bike or walk up hills so you can enjoy our up and down country here at 8,000-13,000 feet here.