Snowshoeing up the road beside the South Fork of the Rio Grande to its big lake gave us lots of beautiful scenery--close and high and some in the distance. 8 of us put on our snowshoes and found a nicely groomed path made that morning.
The snow, rocks, trees, and flowing water showed off in the shadows and the bright sunshine.
We couldn't ask for a more beautiful day or spectacular scenery.
We will try, however, starting next Monday at 10 a.m. Bring your snowshoes to the S.F. Visitor Center and put on your "love of the outdoors" outfits. Next Monday will somehow already be February. That means that we have only 4 more months of winter and chilly spring. You can help us enjoy the cool time by joining us for our short hikes, sometime on snowshoes, maybe a time or two on skinny skis, and some later Spring hikes with your boots and jackets.
Next Monday, I think we may have to go high for deep snow. If so, I'm thinking of Wolf Creek Pass, down the Southwest side of the pass (which is the beginning of Wolf Creek—the one that flows into the San Juan River, not the East Side one that sometimes flows into the Rio Grande).
— Doug Knudson 873-5239

South Fork of the Rio Grande under that snow
S. Fork of Rio Grande
Making it.
2 lonely trees on rocks
Snow cools hot hiker
Outlet of S Fork at the Reservoir
Bridge over the Outlet of Big Meadows Reservoir
Walking among the giants
Big Meadows valley; scenery we see best when walking in winter.