Sunday, May 29, 2016

ATV ride

We will have an ATV ride onTuesday. This ride will be 50" SxS friendly.
Met at SF visitor center at 9AM


Thursday, May 26, 2016

SHAW Mesa rim and more on Wednesday morning

Shaw Mesa in the sunshine is a lovely place, with Ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, fire-sprout aspen and floral signs of Spring.  It's southern edge is pretty steep and deep, but not for 2 of our returnees from the Grand Canyon.  
 The young yellow-green aspens are masking some of the 2002 forest fire debris (this is where it stopped).

At 9,000-9500' this is a fine place to welcome spring in late May.  

More hiking next Monday and Wednesday: leave the Visitor Center at 9 a.m. for sites dependent on the weather.
— Doug Knudson

10 hikers walked our rim

Hollygrape Mahonia repens

Canyon Cliff + distant peak

A bit of a drop

New England Lady on a clifftop

 silvery Lupine Lupinus argenteus

 distant peak

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

ATV Ride to Seitz Creek and beyond

Harry lead 11 machines and 12 riders on a ride around the Shorty Springs and Seitz Creek area. Below are some photos of showing a glimpse of what
we enjoyed.



Our Route

Night and Day Hike to rock quarry and beyond

Night, in case you missed it.  Welcome to several new hikers.  Summer is on the way.
Day, don't miss the next one on Wednesday, a stroll around our very scenic Shaw Mesa—in the sunlight.
You'll see cliffs, forests, pasture, and a few cows.  Not exactly flat flat, but almost.

9 a.m. on Wed. departure from South Fork Visitor Center.         —Doug Knudson













Friday, May 20, 2016

ATV Ride to Quarries, Kiln, and Wagon Ruts

Connie lead us on another fun ATV ride. Five machines and 6 folks made the tour to couple of quarries, a kiln and the wagon ruts near the Old Spanish Trail.

We will plan on another SxS friendly ride next Tuesday. Meet at the Visitor Center gassed up with lunch and water ready to leave at 9am.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Hiking schedule

Attention: Silverthreaders and other friends

With the arrival of expected snow in spring (again), we announce our progress in hiking. Effective May 16, 2016.
We are open for all comers who will leave their pet mechanical toys and dogs at home.

We will have two hikes each week for adults. On average, the hikes require about 5 miles. We have at least 75 routes nearby.

1. Mondays. Leaving the Visitor Center 9 a.m. Usually back before 2 p.m. Bring a light lunch, water, rain jacket.

2. Wednesdays. Leave Visitor Center 9 a.m. We may drive to points in close or far off (e.g. Dunes, Platoro).
We will have some physical improvement for those who want to conquer some peaks later in the summer. We'll announce longer
or shorter hikes.

3. Additionally: Enough people have responded to desire to climb a few small, medium, and high peaks this summer. I look forward to carry out that goal after my 80th birthday in June. We will use the MW schedule for building gradually our huff-puff equipment. The peak climbers are not last-minute hikers. Your regular and frequent training participation is important. Please do not show up a week before and ask to participate. I do not want to carry anyone out. I'd rather be the last person on the peak because I have the excuse of old age.

4. Thursday or Fridays: If you're young, Dennis Shepherd will lead kids' hikes, starting at the parking lot of the Chapel of the South Fork. Parents and grandparents often accompany the kids--it is fun and revealing. I think these may begin at 9.

Hikers really get in touch with nature, not remote from it.
Hikers tear up less of the resources.
Hikers take time to see things.
Hikers can even sniff the flowers, take pictures, and enjoy the quiet or the rain.

Those who hike regularly usually have long lives, mostly healthy fat, good health, deep breathing, nice smiles.

Your hike leaders: Wayne and Linda Moulds, Dennis Shepherd, Douglas Knudson plus back-up helpers, ad hoc.

Charge: None. This is a totally volunteer operation and we request your collaboration in understanding that the
leaders are not responsible for your actions or missteps or safety. They may advise you (or not) of difficult situations. They may advise you to take cover, to carry more or less, to act in a safe manner, etc.
We do hike in rugged terrain, not in guarded or city parks. Sometimes we are off-trail. Here, in the Rocky Mountains, we usually must go up and down hills, sometimes steeply. The Rockies are quite rocky; the creeks are usually wet;
We do ask that you stay with the group and inform the hike leader(s) if you turn back or leave the group, so we don't have to worry about your whereabouts.

Therefore, we ask you to sign an affidavit form recognizing that you take responsibility for your own safety.
Happy Trails to you all!
Contact: Knudson 719-873-5239
Urgent messages: SF Visitor Center 873-5512

ATV Ride

We will try for an ATV ride this Friday weather permitting.  Meet at the Visitor Center a 9AM 5/20.


Monday, May 16, 2016

10 Sunny/Cloudy Photos

Our clouds on Monday redirected our directors to shelter.   The 5 hikers who showed up came up with a special dry hike close to home.  We saw the S side of Sentinel Mountain, some of it seen by Ute people long ago (Culturally Modified Trees gave them away).  After we got back to the cars after 2.5 hours, we each felt 5 drops of rain. 

We saw the S side of Sentinel Mountain, some of it previously seen by Ute people long ago. (Two ancient Culturally Modified Trees were proof).  We also glimpsed a few pastures and homes along lower Trout Creek (from above).  It seems that every time I go on these slope, I see new things and find good deer trails to follow.  It is a remarkable mountain with a history and pre-history of special interest, "right here in River City."  

The flowers are beginning to bloom, but not yet in abundance.  The purple pasque flowers are the showiest, just about ready to open up, probably this week.  Join us next Monday at 9 a.m. and get better acquainted with your surroundings.  We see wonderful things in  wonderful places.

Five hiked, onward and upward, then overlooked the valley of Trout Creek, then on to other sights and then swinging northward and eastward.

NE side of Rock

SW side of rock

S.Fork of RG--full!

Valley of Trout Cr.

P. flexilis

Pinus ponderosa

Nature modified tree

Flowers are coming!

A Culturally Modified Tree  (with another tree in the way)

Today's hike cancelled

Due to today's rainy weather, this morning's hike is cancelled. See you next Monday.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

ATV ride

ATV ride will be on Wednesday (5/18) this week to avoid conflict with Tuesday's club meeting and predicted cold wet weather. Meet at 9am in the visitor center parking lot.


Silverthread Club Meeting

The May Silverthread Club Meeting is Tuesday night  (May 17th), Potluck at 6:30 PM, with meeting to follow at the South Fork Community Center. Come and enjoy.

Elizabeth Baugh, President

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

An other-worldly hike

Thanks to the 8 who accompanied me to the rim of these special mountains.  The red cactus blooms were the seasonal feature and will continue for those who want even more of the colorful blossoms in the next few weeks.  Mountain-tops and valleys surrounded us; we'll be climbing several of them this summer.
We will have 2 more weeks of Monday-only hikes.  Wayne has a nice forest road hike for next week (lower if it snows).

Show up before our 9 a.m. car-pooling and departure at the South Fork Visitor Center.  Bring water, a snack, and maybe a rain-coat. As you can see, we find picturesque terrain and plants, plus our handsome hikers, so a camera can record your special adventures in places where few people go.  

We enjoyed getting to know Ed Simpson who is a remarkable hiker.  
Happy Trails to all!    Doug Knudson

One target

walk in uniqueness


Flowers galore

Claret cactus in half-bloom    Next week, this should be a carpet of red

Piñon old cone and new ones on the way

Cliff and the Rio Grand Valley at Del Norte

2 guys on top

