The San Luis valley is located in Southern Colorado high up in the beautiful Rocky Mountains! Our club members are comprised of avid Outdoor Adventurers and Environmental Activists. We came together as a group to create an environment where we can enjoy our magnificent surroundings and work together to preserve and protect this incredible area.
Dennis: I have been trying things with the Garmin program Base Camp. Here is a link to the Garmin Adventure of last Monday's hike. There are a lot of extraneous waypoints from my GPS - I think I know why they are included and will have to work to exclude them from future adventures. Anyhow thought you might be interested in this. You can send it to the other hikers if you think they might be interested.
Wayne will lead two more hikes this month. Next Monday (10/20) plan on a hike to Lookout Mountain in Del Norte. The following Monday (10/27) to be determined. There will be no Monday hike on November 3 – another hunting day.
No more Tuesday hikes. Snowshoeing will start when conditions permit. Watch for email notices.
In honor of Columbus Day, Barbara led us to a destination that some had never been to, some had been there and thought they could find it again and some that had electronic assistance to keep all of us on track...........Thank Goodness!
We did find the Keyhole Rock after some discussion as to its location, but we kept to the trail (even though I thought it was the wrong one) until we reached a junction that I recalled. From there on it was only a matter of looking for the right cairns we had set up the last time we came out. The area is a maze of trails and don't all the canyons look the same after awhile?
Upon reaching the Keyhole rock we enjoyed our lunch and came back out past the Wagon Tracks and down the canyon (the right one) to the vehicles.
A beautiful day for a hike, good fellowship, great scenery and good exercise.
I won't be hiking anymore on Thursdays, if we get enough snow I will switch to snowshoes and Barbara & Lloyd will send out info regarding the Tuesday and Monday hikes..
The Silverthread Club is hosting community potluck this month. Setup will be at 10:30 AM, Tuesday Oct. 14, The meal will start at 6:30 PM. Wear your Silverthread shirts and come to the potluck. It is at the South Fork Community Building. Come and enjoy.
George Powell, president
Silverthreaders Club
Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club
There will be an ATV trail workday on Friday, Oct. 10. Meet at the visitor center at 9 AM.
George Powell, president
Silverthreaders Club
Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club
There will be discussion at the South Fork City Council Meeting concerning ATV riding in South Fork. It will be Thursday Oct. 9, 7 PM at the South Fork Community Center. This is for your information.
George Powell, president
Silverthreaders Club
Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club
I'm sending another few photos of this photogenic destination.