We went up FSR350 for a few miles and unloaded just below the Willow Cr. low water crossing. We hiked up the first slope and into Sawmill park to the old log structure. We hiked across the park to the East and made our way up the slope to the summit in time for lunch. We followed an old logging road for about 2/3 of the way, losing it a couple of times and then locating it again. We gained about 1000 ft.in elevation over about a 2 mile hike. Denise found a very old 7UP bottle in the timber.
After lunch we followed the drift fence South until we came upon the newer logging road and came down this road to the SE corner of the park. Lots of logging going on and the newer road has been cleared and is in better shape than the FSR350 we came in on...............
We picked up several "treasures", also some trash in our travel today. The highlight of the hike was coming upon the Mama & Baby Moose in the old beaver pond. Typically the Mama stood between us and her calf and wasn't a bit disturbed by our intrusion into their lunch. After a few minutes the calf moved off and Mama followed it.
Come to the VC Monday at 9AM to enjoy a hike with Wayne & Linda...........