The San Luis valley is located in Southern Colorado high up in the beautiful Rocky Mountains! Our club members are comprised of avid Outdoor Adventurers and Environmental Activists. We came together as a group to create an environment where we can enjoy our magnificent surroundings and work together to preserve and protect this incredible area.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Road Trip - Platoro
Platoro trip Photos
Embargo creek hike
Monday, September 24, 2012
Embargo Creek Hike
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Highway Clean Up Day (9/26)
We will clean up our section of the highway on Wednesday, Sept. 26. Meet at the visitor center at 10 AM. Come and help out the club. Lots of hands makes the work go quickly.
George Powell, president
Silverthreaders Club
Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club
Tuesday (9/25) ATV Ride
There will be an ATV Ride, Tuesday, Sept. 25 to go to Bonanza. Meet at the visitor center at 7:30 AM.
George Powell, president
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Thursday (9/20) hike
Friday (9/21) ATV Ride
The Friday ATV Ride will be to look at the foliage around South Fork. Meet at the visitor center at 9 AM.
George Powell, president
Silverthreaders Club
Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Model T Park hike--today and next week
Today, six of us went up to Model T Park at a merry pace. Marilyn, George, Mike (his last hike this season), 2 Moulds, and yours truly. The auto is rusting away, but still standing.
For some reason, ATV people are going around the block built in the trail by Silver-thread muscle. We looked for them in hopes of a pleasant discussion, but to no avail. No elk either.
Unfortunately, my camera was sitting on a bench in my study when I got home.
NEXT TUESDAY--bring your cameras. Come one/come all. No hiking required, although some will want to walk a few miles.
We're taking an auto tour of the gorgeous aspen stands to the South of our valleys, invading the valleys of the Alamosa R. and the beautiful Conejos River near Platoro. We may have some tips for photographers from a pro. Typically, the Platoro area has some of the most varied colors and spectacular hillsides of anywhere in the state. We hope that the last Tuesday in the month will hold true to its past performances.
The Skyline Lodge will supply you with a delicious lunch (from the menu, at your cost). The manager just told me they will be open for lunch on Tuesday next and that the leaves are nearing their peak (still about 1/3 are still green), so we may hit the place with sensational color (pinks, oranges, gold, yellow, lemon yellow and a few shades of green).
Bring your smooth, pretty-high clearance vehicle (just a couple of miles of rocky but safe road). We can car-pool if you prefer. Bring your crippled up relatives--they will love getting out into this area.
Meet in the parking lot of the South Fork Visitor Center before 9 a.m. departure. Be a color tourist for a day.
--Doug Knudson
Friday, September 14, 2012
Tuesday (9/18) ATV Ride
There will be a ride Tuesday, Sept, 18 to The Love Lake area to see the foliage. Meet at the visitor center at 9 AM.
George Powell, president
Silverthreaders Club
Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club
September Club Meeting
The September meeting of the Silverthread Club will be Tuesday, Sept. 18, potluck meal 6:30 PM, meeting 7 PM at the South Fork Community Center. Come and enjoy.
George Powell, president
Silverthreaders Club
Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Hogback Mesa Hike
Monday, September 10, 2012
Tuesday ATV Ride
There will be an ATV Ride Tuesday, Sept. 11. Meet at the visitor center at 9 AM and the plan is to ride Burro Creek Trail.
George Powell, president
Silverthreaders Club
Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Closing of Ice Cave
Thought this might be of interest to all of you. This is on forest land, and I think they are being closed for security reasons. I will try to find out more information.
George Powell, president
Silverthreaders Club
Silverthread Outdoor Recreation Club
We went back to Ice Cave and this is what we found. They have already sealed the other cave and as you can see have almost completed sealing Ice Cave. It is sad because they are putting all their empty mortor bags behind the wall they are building. It appears they are planning on returning to finish sealing ice cave like they did the other one.
Jerry & Carol Dale
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Fremont's winter trail #3