Five hikers probed the high valley and ridges of Agua Ramon Creek on Tuesday: Ozzie, Eve, MayBelle, Wayne and Doug. We followed our instincts and some prominent cattle trails on a loop through two passes. The views across the Rio Grande and a long misty look at Mt. Blanca were impressive in their vast and varied topography. This area was almost free of snow, but more was on the way; the blue skies turned to gray before the hike was over.
Next Tuesday, another adventure will start at the South Fork Visitor Center at 9:00 a.m. departure. Again, we may have to depend on the weather. Someone opined that snowshoes may be in order. Watch the weather and check with Wayne Odom 873-5864 or the Wells 873-5754.--Doug Knudson
The San Luis valley is located in Southern Colorado high up in the beautiful Rocky Mountains! Our club members are comprised of avid Outdoor Adventurers and Environmental Activists. We came together as a group to create an environment where we can enjoy our magnificent surroundings and work together to preserve and protect this incredible area.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Agua Ramon Creek Hike
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Baxter Mtn. Photos
All followed the narrow ridge upward from there. Four reached the
summit at 9,787' for long views in several directions. Limber pine,
ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, and even Junipers somehow get their
roots through the rocks and withstand heavy winds. The asters still
flowering here are evidence that winter has not arrived despite
earlier snow falls on these peaks.
At coffee, we enjoyed the stories of 93-year-old Lawrence Fleming
(our local tire repairman and entrepreneur) about the installation
process of the TV facility on that precipitous perch several decades
Next Tuesday, more hiking in someplace special, the selection being
weather dependent. We'll leave the South Fork Visitor Center parking
lot at 9 a.m. Bring a simple lunch, good rock boots, and some orange
--Doug Knudson
Baxter Mtn Summit
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Big Meadow Hike
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sawmill Park
We hiked into Sawmill Park and went on up to the ridge East of it to have our lunch, a lot of the foliage has been blown off by the strong winds of the last few days. There was a skiff of snow on the aspen leaves on the ground which made for a pretty sight.
We are planning on clearing the trail into Hunter Lake next week and then on up to the Stair Steps to clear that trail also. Bring bow saws if you have one or something similar since it will all be hand saws required in the Weminuche Wilderness area.....
Meet at 9 AM at the VCPL, bring your lunch, water and a friend....