Trail Conditions: The abundance of blowdown on both sides of Hermit Lake plus a few big ones blocking the the upward trail need attention.
Sunday 8 p.m. meet at picnic area (left road) at Big Meadows for a campfire, s'mores, etc. and a view of the nearly full moon. We will stroll down a logging road for an enchanted evening. Bring your honey.
Tuesday --several alternatives:
A) 7 a.m. at Visitor Center parking lot--or 7:45 at Hanson Mill--hike 7 miles into Wheeler Geological Area; visit and photograph the formations for a couple of hours; hike out 7 miles. People will move at their own speed and for their preferred distance; due to the length of the trip, we will not be waiting for each other. Stay with someone else in the formations, please.
B) Join the scenic walk from Hanson's Mill later on, without the mission of getting to the WGA; turn around when convenient.
C) 9 a.m. Nancy and her game ankle will select a less strenuous hike somewhere nice--meet Nancy and Dennis at the South Fork Visitor Center at the normal hour.
Suggested: Broken-in boots, an extra pair of socks, an extra bar or two, more than normal water, sunscreen, a poncho or raincoat (in A or B, we'll be out there if it rains--unless conditions warn us off.) Some suggest a good flashlight, as well.