Tuesday, June 23, 2015

9am tomorrow at Visitor's Center tomorrow

Wednesday hike will leave the Visitor Center in South Fork at 9 a.m.
We will go to Creede and a bit beyond to hike up to the dramatic peak (connected to Campbell Mountain) that towers over many mines and great scenery. It's worth the short fairly steep hike up an old road. It will be an unforgettable experience for you and it is not dangerous (assuming that all act in a sane manner).

Several members of a Houston, Texas hiking group will accompany us. They will probably join us for refreshments (or lunch) at the new Arp Restaurant (most of you know Mr. Arp from his superb acting at the Creede Repertory Theatre for the past 8 years). Then, we can show off Creede to these folks or shop or head home.
—Doug Knudson 873-5239

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