Thursday, July 17, 2014

hybrid hike for geodes

Well we had a nice hike looking for geodes even though we didn't find any.  We covered the south canyon side thoroughly after climbing up through the aspen grove.  The hardest part of the climb was making our way through the stunted aspens; they were thicker than hair on a dogs back...........

We hiked about 4 miles round-trip, we went up behind the waterfall for about 1/2 mile before turning around and coming back to the buggies.

The buggy ride in was interesting, I had a flat tire that delayed us a little bit.  On the way out Blaire and I hit a deep waterhole and drowned out my buggy.  David pulled us about 3 miles before it dried out enough to run on its own interesting day.

Even though we didn't find any geodes, it didn't dampen our spirits so much that we couldn't all enjoy ice cream at Cottonwood Cove........

Meet us Monday for a good hike led by Wayne Moulds, better bring some raingear........




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