Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21 already Photos

A nice 5 mile jaunt from the SLV floor into ridges of rocks and gentle trails introduced us to a "new" part of the Elephant Rocks area. That leaves one more to try all 4 roady trails.  17 people seemed to enjoy the diverse rock formations and rich plant life.  Mayebelle and Linda also studied the black beetles that were emerging from small holes in the soil.  We take our time (sometimes) and see a lot of the plant world around our ankles.
Next Monday at 10 a.m. we will again depart the South Fork Visitor Center for another "smart hike".  Join us at no cost except attentiveness and energetic walking.  We have three options in mind; the choice will be influenced by the weather--we may get snow, you know. (The Rev. Dr. Odom is waiting patiently for today's rain clouds to open up.)
--Doug Knudson
17 started and finished at the Valley bottom.


We looked for faces and found many


A big split happened once


We like lichens


Interesting PiƱon Pine valley


More lichens on lava flows


Forbidding but accessible


Pinocchio peeking


Backdrop to lunch room


Luncheon Seating choice


Another rock face


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