Monday, October 14, 2013

Deep Creek hike


The Deep Cr. trail was the choice for today, it was out of the wind and in the sunshine; Wayne led the group up to the icy bridge and 8 crossed with him.  I stayed back with Pat & Linda and went up the West side of the creek to avoid the crossing.  We found a "marmot spot" (sunny with lots of sunshine on rocks) to have our lunch.   When we saw the rest of the group coming back on the East side we met them downstream a ways, they found an easier place than the bridge to cross over the creek.
I hope you don't get too tired of the water pix, I find something unusual (at least to me) on almost every outing along a stream to share with you.  The fan shaped "fountain" is a first for me........
Doug will be leading the hike tomorrow and Thursday I will lead the group to the Limekiln area to see some different sights....all hikes meet at the VC at 9AM, bring a lunch, water, orange vest, and a few friends.....

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